Hockey Development in the Community

Posted: 26th May 2016

Mount Kelly, in partnership with Tavistock Hockey Club, has been working with five primary schools in the Tavistock area over the last two months, offering their pupils several hockey taster sessions led by qualified coaches. The Primary Schools whose children have enjoyed this great opportunity include: Whitchurch Primary School, Horrabridge Primary School, Tavistock Primary School, St Andrew's Primary School and Gulworthy Primary School.

Mount Kelly member of staff, Tom Honey, and former pupil Barney Megicks, visited the children on site at their respective primary schools and ran two 'introduction to hockey' sessions, with a third extra session on the Mount Kelly all-weather hockey pitch. Inset training for primary school staff members was also offered within these sessions.

Children will have the opportunity to put their newly acquired skills to the test when teams from all five schools will meet at Mount Kelly for a hockey festival on Thursday 23rd June from 1pm to 3pm.

Pictured below are children from Whitchurch Primary School during their final coaching session at the Mount Kelly astro pitch.


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