CCF Biennial Inspection

Posted: 22nd April 2016

Thursday 21st April marked an important day for the Mount Kelly CCF as all our cadets (Yrs 9-13) presented themselves for their Biennial Inspection which this year was carried out by Colonel O J H CHAMBERLAIN QVRM TD DL (Chairman Wessex Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association).

The day began with the senior cadets providing an overview of the Mount Kelly CCF and it s structure. Col. Chamberlain then visited various 'stations' around the school to talk and observe cadets involved in the Duke of Edinburgh, Devizes to WEstminster, the new field gun which the school has recenty purchased and a paint balling range. The day concluded with the final parade in which all cadets gathered to hear a final word from the Colonel and he also presented several promotions to cadets.  Mount Kelly would like to thank Col Chamberlain for his time, input and positive words of encouragement to the staff and cadets in the CCF.

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