Sixth Form Leavers’ Day

Posted: 26th May 2017

Our Sixth Form leavers have been marking the end of their time at the College before the A Level study leave begins with a special Leavers’ Day, preceded by the Monitors’ Dinner the night before.

The Monitors’ Dinner the evening of Thursday 25th May was the opportunity for the small group of prefects to get together and for the Head Master to thank them for their hard work and leadership throughout the year. That night, they set about carrying out the age-old tradition of  ‘Monitors’ pranks’, which this year involved a mini cooper parked in the dining room and a small herd of sheep in a pen in the PE Department!

On Friday morning a delicious breakfast at the start of the day was followed by a few lesssons, and then on to a special Chapel Service which was also attended by many parents. A special buffet lunch was then enjoyed by pupils, parents and staff on the School House lawn – an appropriate opportunity to wish them good luck and to mark the end of their school career.

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