Mount Kelly School Tavistock Website

Examination Results

Examination Results 2024

GCSE 2024

Our GCSE pupils in 2024 had a 94% average pass rate, and an impressive 83% of papers achieved grades 9-5; 38% were graded 7 (A equivalent) or above and 25% of pupils achieved a grade 7 or above in at least five subjects.

Guy Ayling, Head Master said, “These pupils started College when the pandemic hit, so they have been on a very challenging academic journey. But, along with the national trend, our GCSE results have improved on last year and confidently returned to pre-pandemic levels.

“We’ve seen particularly high grades achieved in Higher Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English; but with good results across the board, I’m extremely proud of our dedicated teaching team.”

GCSE Results 2024

A Level 2024

Over 88% of pupils were accepted at their first choice of university in the UK and overseas, with 49% achieving places at world class Russell Group, Bath, St Andrews and Loughborough universities.

Year 12 pupils who took EPQs (Extended Project Qualifications), equivalent to 50% of an A Level, also shone with 94% achieving A and A* grades.

Head Master, Guy Ayling said, “Mount Kelly has again surpassed the national percentage of school leavers going to their first-choice of UK university and it is wonderful to see how well our school has prepared pupils for the next step of their exciting life journeys. Our continuing excellent EPQ results have also undoubtedly helped our pupils secure their university places.

“Across the board we see the UK independent school sector continuing to deliver the highest proportion of A grades and above. But grades aside, it is the diversity of career choices our pupils are going into that shows we are continuing to deliver a well-rounded education, alongside our high achieving sporting and outdoor activities.” Read more here.

A Level Results 2024

Academic Results | 5 Year Average | 2018-2023

GCSE 2018-2023

9-7 46%
9-5 85%
Pass  95%

A Level 2018-2023

A*-A 43%
A*-B 63%
A*-C 84%
A*-D 94%
Pass 99%

Examination Results 2023

GCSE 2023

The anxious wait is finally over for Mount Kelly’s 84 Year 11 GCSE pupils. The year group is celebrating a 92% pass rate, and can now move confidently forward to the final two years of school life.

An impressive 79% of papers achieved grades 9-5; 36% were graded 7 (A equivalent) or above, and 26% of pupils achieved a 7 or above in at least five subjects.

Guy Ayling, Head Master said, “Our Year 11’s worked extremely hard for these exams, alongside all their extra-curricular activities, and we are proud of them all. Along with the national trend, our GCSE results have glided back to pre-pandemic levels, but there is huge personal success, and reassuring trends to applaud.

“The majority of our GCSE pupils will stay with us for A levels and we are all looking forward to greeting them back to school in September and helping them fulfil their considerable potential.”

Ruby scored for our Girls’ Performance Football squad with nine grade 9s and one grade 8 and is going on to study Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry at A Level; and outstanding hockey player Rosie wasn’t far behind with five grade 9s, three grade 8s and two grade 7’s.

Ruby, a gifted football player, who is part of Mount Kelly Girls’ Performance Football Programme, in association with Chelsea Football Club Foundation said,

“The waiting process was worse than the exams, but I’m over the moon with my results and looking forward to the start of Michaelmas term.

“My results show that at Mount Kelly I can still focus on the football training I love, without losing out academically. I think football and studying are complementary and any girls thinking of combining academics with performance football would really appreciate the support that’s given here.”

GCSE Results 2023

A Level 2023

Mount Kelly is celebrating the A Level and BTEC success of its class of 2023 pupils with 82% achieving a place at a university of their choice in the UK and overseas, and more applicants achieving places at world class Russell Group and Bath and Loughborough universities compared to last year.

Head Master, Guy Ayling said, “The success of our Sixth Form is all the more impressive this year as they were unable to sit their GCSEs due to pandemic disruption. They have had to learn fast about examination technique and the mental and emotional approaches to an exam season.

“We’ve clearly surpassed the national rate of 62.1% school leavers going to their first-choice university and we’re delighted to see our pupils preparing for the next step of their life journeys. The broad and exciting range of career choices our pupils are going into make me particularly proud.”

Medicine Finlay has been with Mount Kelly since nursery and is going on to study Medicine at the University of Liverpool. He worked incredibly hard to gain his outstanding three A* grades and volunteered at the Memory Cafe in Tavistock to support dementia suffers and their carers to help him prepare for his chosen career.

Persephone is pursuing her dream of studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham thanks to hard work and dedication to gain the extensive and relevant work experience required.

Dentistry Laura is heading to the University of Glasgow, ranked the top University in the UK in this field.

Architecture Chloe is going to study Architecture at the University of Bath. She dedicated her spare time to sketching and drawing and had an impressive portfolio to back up her course application.

Sport Three of our Chelsea Football Club Girls Performance Football starsRuby, Calais and Rosie are pursuing their talent in sport. Ruby will be studying for a degree in Sport Rehabilitation at Nottingham University. Calais has a football scholarship at Middle Tennessee State University and Rosie is going to study and play soccer at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Meanwhile, Michael is going to study and play rugby at Life University in Georgia. Amelia has a swimming scholarship at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Hermione has a swimming scholarship at Northern Michigan University and Daniyar is heading to Grand Canyon University to study sports coaching and development.

Forward College Sasa will be studying in three different countries over the course of her degree, starting in Lisbon studying Data Analytics.

Academic Mariam has a scholarship to study at Groucher College, Maryland.

Criminology Ella managed to study the equivalent of four and a half A levels with an A level BTEC combination. This has quite rightly earnt her a place at the University of Bath.

Interdisciplinary Futures Former Head Girl, Arwen, managed a busy two years in the Sixth Form, playing multiple sports and fully committing to the outdoor education programme. She is studying an exciting new course at the University of Edinburgh which explores profound questions about the world we live in – questions about sustainability, inequality, global health, and conflict.

Engineering John is going on to study Engineering at the University of Cambridge and former Head Boy Matthew has topped off a summer of gathering swimming medals with gaining a place to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Loughborough.

A Level & BTEC Results 2023

Examination Results 2022

GCSE 2022

Mount Kelly are delighted to announce our best GCSE results for over 5 years with 53% of all papers graded at 7 or above. Our Year 11 pupils have proved the predictions wrong and gained higher grades than those awarded during the two non-examination years of lockdown.

19 (27%) pupils achieved a 7 or above in at least five subjects; particular congratulations to Dylan, Anna and Katie who were awarded the top grade of 9 in seven of their subjects and Fiona who achieved nine grade 9s.

Head Master, Guy Ayling comments: ‘I am very proud of the pupils – this year group came out of lockdown hungry to get back into the swing of things. Not only have they excelled in their academic endeavours, they given their all on the playing fields and in the swimming pool, completed bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh awards and taken part in drama and musical events. Huge thanks to all our staff who have kept up with them and encouraged them to embrace everything that the School has to offer!’

GCSE Results 2022

A Level 2022

Mount Kelly pupils have achieved outstanding results in their A Level and BTEC examinations, with a 100% pass rate in which 51% of all results were graded at A*- A and 86% A*- C.

15 pupils (28%) gained at least three A grades or above; congratulations to George who achieved four A* grades and Maisie, John, Mya and Andrea who all achieved three A* grades.

Despite the gloomy predictions in the media recently we are pleased to announce that 86% of Mount Kelly pupils have achieved their first choice of university, 43% of which are Russell Group institutions including Oxford, Durham, Exeter and Nottingham.

We are also delighted to celebrate with Jackson (Bristol), Charlotte (Southampton) and Lauren (Leeds) who have gained places to study Medicine.

Other successes include a number of pupils who have gained places in prestigious institutions overseas; Alp at KU Leuven University (Brussels), Andrea with the London School of Economics in Lisbon, and Megan (Louisiana State), Hazal (University of Wisconsin) and Maya (San José State), all in the USA.

Our newly introduced Performing Arts BTEC and Combined Science BTEC courses have proved popular with our pupils, all of whom gained the top grades in their final assessments. Similar success was achieved by our Sport BTEC candidates with Angel, Theo, Sam and James all achieving the top grade, D*, in all three sections.

Head Master, Guy Ayling said, ‘we are of course very proud of these results and the top grades that have been awarded; it is however, the individual stories that make me most proud: Peter who has won a prestigious apprenticeship with Marsh McLennan, Frankie who is following her dream to become a teacher and gaining a place to study Psychology with Education, Antonio who is heading off to Brunel on a Rugby Scholarship with the Ealing Trailfinders and Ben and Will, who with their excellent results, are able to pursue their chosen careers in HM Forces.’

A Level Results 2022

Examination Results 2021

GCSE 2021

Centre Assessed Grades

Following the success of Mount Kelly pupils at A Level, the School’s GCSE candidates have risen to the challenge and secured outstanding results across the board.

Over 16% of all grades awarded were a 9 and 47% were 9-7.

Congratulations to the six pupils who achieved a grade 9 in 5 or more of their subjects with Emily achieving a grade 9 in all twelve of her subjects, Finlay getting ten grade 9s and one grade 8, Charlotte scoring eight grade 9s and three 8s and Abigail being awarded seven 9s and two 8s.

Head Master, Guy Ayling comments, ‘I am very proud of the pupils and our staff – these outstanding results have been achieved after considerable disruption across the entire two-year course, and as such they are especially impressive.’

GCSE Results 2021

A Level 2021

Centre Assessed Grades

Mount Kelly is very proud to announce another year of very strong A Level results with 54% of pupils gaining A* – A grades, or equivalent, in their examinations this summer.

These grades have been awarded following not one, but two sets, of formal examinations during the Summer Term and rigorous and balanced continuous assessment of class work.

At least 78% of pupils have gained places at their first choice of university with 8 pupils gaining places overseas including institutions in the USA, Lithuania and the Netherlands.

Particular congratulations go to Naomi who was awarded 4 A* grades and is heading to Edinburgh to study Veterinary Science and Lucy who achieved 3 A* grades, confirming her place at Oxford. Jackson and Charlotte also both achieved 3 A* grades, Charlotte will read English at Durham University and Jackson plans to take a year off to work at the Emergency Department at Derriford and hopes to travel to Uganda later in the year.

Cameron, Chiara, Ryan and Richard all achieved triple D* awards in the BTEC with Cameron and Chiara both gaining places at Bath University to read Sport Management and Coaching.

Head Master, Guy Ayling comments, ‘Our pupils’ successes are a reflection of their tremendous efforts over a challenging two years, and I am grateful to staff for outstanding remote learning during lockdowns and for constructing a rigorous assessment framework that gives real meaning and absolute value to these results’.

A Level & BTEC Results 2021

Examination Results 2020

GCSE 2020

Centre Assessed Grades

Mount Kelly pupils have followed recent A Level success with another outstanding set of GCSE results. 50% of all grades awarded were 9-7, almost twice the national figure, and over 99% of all candidates were awarded 9-4. Almost 20% of Mount Kelly pupils scored 8 or 9 in 5 or more subjects.

Head Master, Guy Ayling, commented, “The decision to use Centre Assessed Grades has put the individual and not the algorithm at the heart of this process. I am delighted with results that represent the true capability of an outstanding cohort, and all the hard work that they and their teachers have done. We look forward to seeing them all next week as they embark on their Sixth Form studies.”

GSCE Results 2020

A Level 2020

Centre Assessed Grades

Mount Kelly is delighted to announce another year of strong results: 44% of papers were graded A*- A and 89% A*- C which are both well above the national average.

Nearly 70% of our pupils already have places at their first choice of university confirmed including Alisha Varia – Medicine and Surgery at Lancaster, Jack Bellamy – Engineering Mathematics at Bristol,  Christopher Tanner- Law at Nottingham and Indira Falle – English and Creative Writing at Royal Holloway.

Head Master, Guy Ayling, commented, “With higher than usual levels of anxiety this year, I am especially delighted that the vast majority of our pupils have been given the grades they deserve. They have come through the challenge strongly, with most moving on to the universities of their choice. They will always be able to look back on this achievement with pride.”

A Level & BTEC Results 2020

Examination Results 2019

GCSE 2019

Mount Kelly top grades almost double the national average

Mount Kelly pupils have followed recent A Level success with another outstanding set of GCSE results.  Over 40% of all grades awarded were 9-7, almost twice the national figure, and over 90% of all candidates were awarded 9-4. 20% of Mount Kelly pupils scored 8 or 9 in 5 or more subjects.

The School’s scientists performed particularly strongly, with 66% of Biology, Chemistry and Physics papers graded at a 7 or above. In the other STEM subjects 70% of Design Technology and nearly 50% of the Mathematics examinations were graded at a 7 and above.

Head Master, Guy Ayling, commented, “I am delighted by these results and all the hard work that they represent, both from the pupils and their teachers. What is particularly impressive is that they have also swum at national level, hiked the various Ten Tors and Duke of Edinburgh challenges, played first team sport or sung in the award-winning Chamber Choir, all of which also take significant commitment and energy. We look forward to seeing them all next month as they embark on their Sixth Form studies.”

GCSE Results 2019

A Level 2019

Mount Kelly delighted by another year of excellent A Level results

Mount Kelly is delighted to announce another year of outstanding results with a number of our pupils achieving straight A* and A grades. We are particularly pleased to see the continued strength in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) with over 55% of all papers in these subjects graded at A* or A.

More importantly for our pupils, 76% of them secured places at their first choice university including UCL (Statistics, Economics and Finance), York (History and French), Nottingham (Medical Physiology and Therapeutics), Warwick (Economics) and Southampton (Music). Five pupils have gained significant scholarships to US universities and one to the University of Amsterdam.

Head Master, Guy Ayling, commented, “I am delighted with these results and what they represent. They are a true testament to the hard work of our teachers and the pupils themselves, many of whom have also achieved international success in swimming, Grade 8 in a music or drama exam, the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, hiked at least one of the Ten Tors challenges or paddled the 125 mile Devizes to Westminster Canoe Marathon. They all have so much to offer the world beyond Mount Kelly and I wish them every success for the future.”

A Level & BTEC Results 2019

Examination Results 2018

GCSE 2018

Mount Kelly Pupils Triumph in Tough New GCSEs

Following the success of Mount Kelly pupils at A Level, the School’s GCSE candidates have risen to the challenge of the reformed examinations, and secured outstanding results across the board.

10% of all grades awarded were a 9, equivalent to the very highest A* under the previous system, and double the national figure.  While 25% of all grades awarded were 9-8, 43% were 9-7; again, twice that achieved nationally.

Particular congratulations go to the 20% of pupils who scored 9s and 8s in six or more subjects; a clear reflection both of their own hard work and of the school’s ability to enable the most academically ambitious pupils to realise their full potential.

Head Master, Mark Semmence, commented, “It is evident that our pupils have thrived in a more academically demanding climate, and these results are a clear testament to their hard work and commitment.  Having been prepared exceptionally well for their GCSEs, they will certainly go on to further success in the Sixth Form, not only in the classroom but across the range of opportunities that a Mount Kelly education has to offer.”

GCSE Results 2018

A LEVEL 2018

Another Year of Excellent A Level Results

Mount Kelly is delighted to announce another year of outstanding A Level results. 37% of all grades were A/A*, or the equivalent, while 64% of all grades were A*/B, and 83% were A*/C. These figures represent continued improvement on previous years’ results and also significantly exceed the national figures.

A number of pupils achieved straight A* and A grades, while the overwhelming majority of those applying for university have secured places at their first-choice institution, including some of the most popular courses at Durham, Imperial and Bristol.

Head Master, Mark Semmence, commented, “These results are a clear indication of the academic strength of the school, and a testament to the hard work of our pupils and their teachers. Our pupils’ success is not, however, restricted to the exam hall; our Upper Sixth leavers move on to the next exciting stage of their lives not only having secured excellent A Level results, but having also made the very most of the wonderful opportunities that a Mount Kelly education has to offer.”

A Level & BTEC Results 2018

Apply for Year 7
