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Admissions Experience

We welcome pupils with a broad range of abilities to Mount Kelly and at any stage in their education as long as their academic progress can be continued without disruption.

Enquiries can be made to the School at any time during the year by contacting the Admissions Department. This can be done via email on or on the phone +44(0)1822 813193. You can also use our ‘request a prospectus’ button below and a member of the team will contact you.

We warmly invite you to visit the School with your child, when you will have a tour and meet members of the academic staff, following which a taster day may be arranged.

Your ‘admissions journey’ should provide you with all the information that you need in order to make an informed decision for your child. Every applicant is different and the Admissions Managers will work with you to make sure that all your questions are answered.

Apply for Year 7
