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Pre-Prep Entry

Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 Admissions

We believe that the best way to get a true flavour of life at Mount Kelly is to visit when the children are busy with their normal school day. A tour of the school will be offered during which we will show you around and arrange a meeting with our Head of Prep, Mr Floyd.

Some parents prefer to make the first visit without their child and then follow this up by arranging for their child to attend a taster session with the other children. Your child would spend the day, or part of the day, with the children in their year group and follow the timetable for a normal school day. We are happy to arrange a process with which you and your child will be most comfortable.

Applications are made to the Admissions Office at any stage during the preceding academic year. Tours and taster days may be arranged at any time by contacting the Admissions Office.

Mount Kelly Prep Pupil

Good Schools Guide Logo

“… sets out to make childhood last as long as possible but does a great job of developing pupils’ independence along the way.”

The Good Schools Guide
Open Days 2024