
Our goal is to develop empowered and emotionally secure young people with the ability to manage the demands of modern life.

We believe that spiritual, moral, cultural and social values are ‘caught rather than taught’ and fundamental to the development of these values is the quality of day to day relationships.

All Staff contribute simply by the way they interact with pupils during lessons, but certain subjects, such as Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) and Personal Social and Health Education (PHSE), including relationship, health, and sex education (RHSE) and Online Safety, have a particular contribution to make. In addition, there are several staff with a pastoral remit, including Housemasters/Mistresses, the School Nurse, the Head of PSHE, the Deputy Head, as well as a personal Tutor who guides and assists the Tutee to prepare them in diverse ways for the ‘outside world’. Strong relationships are the bedrock of pastoral care at Mount Kelly.

The moral, spiritual, social and cultural development of each pupil is not something which can be achieved by curriculum organisation or prescription. It is an erratic, unpredictable and long term goal, and the effects of even the most sensitive moral instruction may be different from those intended. Evaluation in terms of outcomes is difficult, but we feel that the character and quality of the young people we produce is testament to our success in realising these lofty ambitions.


CAMHS Resources

House Parents

House Parents

The Housemaster/mistress’s overriding aim is to enable each pupil to achieve his or her full potential in all aspects of School life within a safe and harmonious setting; they are helped to do this by a dedicated team of tutors. They have overall responsibility for the welfare of pupils in the House, monitor the balance between academic and extra-curricular activities and encourage all pupils to play a full part in the School community. Academically, they identify areas that need action, as indicated by grades and reports and devise and implement strategies to address them, keeping parents informed of progress where appropriate. They ensure that correct routines are followed in House and are very much ‘in loco parentis’, with a keen eye kept on the safeguarding of children under their care.

Find out more about each House here:




We have six dedicated Matrons that act as a point of contact in a wide range of important areas, which directly affect the welfare of all pupils and especially boarders. Boarders will consult Matron when feeling unwell and they will treat any minor illnesses and injuries, and deal with their general medical needs as required.

Matrons liaise with the School Nurse over medical and dental appointments for boarders, ensuring that these are attended, and they accompany pupils where parents/guardians are unable to attend. She will also feedback relevant medical information to parents/guardians in consultation with the Housemaster/mistress and School Nurse.

Boarding pupils will be able to refer to Matron over any concerns regarding laundry, bedding, uniform or cleaning of rooms. Above all Matron plays an essential role in the pastoral life of the House and keeps a close eye on the emotional as well as the physical well-being of the pupils, liaising regularly with the Housemaster/Mistress over any concerns which may arise.



In the Prep and in the College each pupil is assigned a Tutor whose responsibility is to offer academic and pastoral support. Parents are encouraged to develop good lines of communication with Tutors who will act as a first point of contact in the day to day welfare of our pupils.

Day-to-day care of the pupils is in the hands of the Housemasters and Housemistresses who, with their team of tutors, monitor our pupils’ academic progress, general welfare and co-curricular involvement. They form a team of trusted adults to whom pupils can turn, for whatever reason.

A successful system depends upon effective lines of communication and we value parental involvement.

At the College, each pupil is assigned a Tutor whose responsibility it is to offer academic and pastoral support. Tutors meet with their tutees twice a week during timetabled sessions and are the first point of call for parents.

Visiting Tutors are members of staff who are assigned to a House to supervise in the evenings, although not living in the House itself. They will supervise registration, help oversee preps and ensure the smooth functioning of the House before bedtimes. They are there to help when pupils have a problem.

Resident Tutors are in the boarding House on a daily basis, as well as on their duty days and nights. As they sleep in House, they can be woken at night in case of emergency, as can the Housemaster/Mistress.

The Tutor system throughout the Prep school plays an integral part in building strong relationships between teachers and pupils and being the first port of call for parents. We want our tutors to champion their tutees at all times and get to know them well. Our tutors see their tutees twice a day during their timetabled Tutor Group sessions and are therefore on hand to support the children at all times and offer a guiding hand where needed.

Tutors monitor the overall demands on boarders’ time and will help pupils to manage and/or reduce the demands accordingly.

If a pupil or a parent wishes to raise a concern or issue, the Housemaster, Housemistress or the tutor should always be the first point of call.



Although the School does not retain a dedicated counsellor, all staff undergo training in how to support the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils with the aim of supporting them to develop the mental resilience they require to adapt and respond to life’s challenges.

The School Nurse and the Deputy Head, Pastoral, are the School’s Mental Health leads and have experience of talking to and advising pupils about a wide range of issues and concerns and will always do what they can to help a pupil who needs that extra bit of support.

Of course, sometimes more professional intervention is required, and pupils and parents will be signposted according to need.

Services which we access include, Young Devon, CAMHs (Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service), and online services such as Kooth and the NSPCC.

One service we particularly support and signpost to parents who have concerns about their child’s behaviour or mental wellbeing is Happy maps: www.happymaps.co.uk

If you are concerned that your child may have a mental health problem, please contact the School Nurse in the first instance; thereafter we will work with you to support your child as best as we reasonably can.



At Mount Kelly we seek to offer a well-rounded education which includes an awareness and nurturing of the spiritual dimension of life. Mount Kelly, surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscape in Britain, is a wonderful place to cultivate such awareness.

Our Church of England foundation means we are a Christian school connected with the church across England, giving us access to a variety of ministers and bishops whose preaching has enriched our chapel services. The musical dimension is invaluable with pupils and the choir singing and appreciating the many popular hymns and anthems. Soloists also play in our services giving more space for reflection. Our readings provide a helpful overview of the Bible, as well as enhancing the cultural literacy of our pupils. The talks on Monday are mainly Christian in focus. Fridays alternate between ‘Thought for the Day’ and House chapel, giving pupils, members of staff and outside speakers the opportunity to speak about a variety of topics that might inspire and challenge our pupils.

In addition to weekly chapel there are more formal services. Mid-week Holy Communions give pupils the opportunity to experience the heart of Anglican worship, Harvest Festival gives an insight into rural life, farming and fruitfulness and Carols by Candlelight, a particularly evocative service brings the College together to enjoy an intimate experience of Christmas worship.

Outside chapel, visiting groups bring new perspectives to our life here. Sport is much loved at Mount Kelly so ‘Christians in Sport’ come and provide the pupils with the opportunity to reflect on competition, values and enjoyment both at amateur and elite level.

For those wanting to learn about the Christian faith we have a seekers group that looks at the Big Questions of Life from a Christian perspective. For those wanting to affirm their faith we offer confirmation into the Church of England. For those seeking to grow in the Christian faith, there is a Junior and Senior Christian Union that meet once a week to week to reflect on passages from the Bible, pray together and reflect on contemporary issues.

School Nurse

School Nurse

This section gives a brief overview of the medical care and facilities provided for the pupils at Mount Kelly.

I am a Registered General Nurse responsible for overseeing the health and well-being of all the pupils and staff across the Foundation and based in School Health Centre located on the ground floor of School House at the College. I ensure the pupils’ acute and chronic conditions are treated and managed by specialist professionals in a sympathetic and supportive way.

Please do read Mount Kelly’s Medical Care Policy and do not hesitate to contact me for more information, if you have any health concerns about your son or daughter or wish to share information that may affect their health and wellbeing.

Confidentiality is maintained at all times unless it is in the pupil’s best interest or necessary for the protection of the wider school community to breach confidence and pass information to a relevant person or body.

Medical Facilities

Matrons provide 24 hour cover.

For non-emergency medical concerns pupils are encouraged to attend the clinics at the advertised hours during school breaks.

There are two medical centres across the Foundation:

  • The College Health Centre is located on the ground floor of School House with an office, treatment room and rest room and is staffed between 09:00 and 16:30 each day.
  • The Prep Surgery is located in the boarding house and is manned 24 hours a day by the Prep Head Matron, Emma Birchell, and her team.

All boarders are registered with Tavyside Health Centre (01822 613517).

In order that we can ensure the safe administration of over-the-counter medicine and the safety of other pupils sharing the same boarding house, we ask that you do not send your child to school with any medication. Mount Kelly has a medically approved list of over-the-counter medication and lotions that trained staff are able to administer to pupils by following the school’s relevant protocols.


If a pupil needs to be on prescribed medication, we request you bring it to school in its original named packaging, in sufficient quantities with instructions for use. It is the school’s policy that asthmatic and anaphylactic pupils carry their own medication. Any other medication brought back to school must be handed into the House Matron.


All pupils are kept up to date with their routine immunisations. Parental/Guardian consent will be required for all vaccines. Vaccinations are coordinated by the School Nurse but administered by the Exeter NHS immunisation team. Boarders travelling abroad will be seen and then immunised by a Travel Nurse at Tavyside Health Centre.

Mrs Hannah Adams

School Nurse



01822 813133

Mrs Emma Birchell

Prep Head Matron



01822 619823



Physiotherapy – Clinic

The Physiotherapy Centre is run by Dr Esther Fox MCSP, Chartered Physiotherapist and is supported by Daisy Peters MSTOCP Sports Therapist.

For detailed information about Mount Kelly Physio please visit the website:


Consultation & Booking Procedure

  1. All pupils, staff and parents are welcome to use the Physiotherapy service. Please email Esther  Fox or phone the Physiotherapy Centre 01822 813199 to make an initial appointment at a convenient time.
  2. Drop in clinics are held for all Mount Kelly staff and pupils. These are free 10 minute triage appointments to ascertain the severity of the problem. Treatment is NOT performed during drop in sessions. Once an initial assessment has been made, Esther will contact parents to discuss treatment options. Feedback will be given to staff and parents. To access these, students can liaise with sports coaches or Nurse Hannah then CONTACT ESTHER DIRECTLY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT on  info@mountkellyphysio.com  or FoxE@mountkelly.com– Friday 1.30 (Swim Squad)


Sports massage
Up to one hour 30 minutes 30 mins
Esther Fox
Clinical Lead
£55 £41 N/A
Daisy Peters
Sports Therapist
£45 £35 £35
25% discount for
Mount Kelly pupils
£41.25 £30.75 £30.75

Booking is required for all appointments. Appointments outside opening hours are offered at Esther’s discretion. Parents are advised to subscribe to the School’s AXA Healthcare Plan. Information regarding this healthcare can be found here Admission Documents

Opening Hours

08:00-19:30 Monday to Friday

09:00-17:00 on Saturday


The Physiotherapy Centre is located adjacent to Newton House.

Vehicle access is via the Newton House entrance from the A386, 200m north of the entrance to the 50m pool complex.


Esther Fox
Chartered Physiotherapist
School: 01822 813199

Esther started her career in Physiotherapy in 2003, working at East Surrey Hospital, where she worked within an acute hospital setting. In 2005 she moved to Devon, working in Exeter in both the NHS and the private sectors, particularly with patients affected by neurological, musculo-skeletal and orthopaedic conditions. During that time she also worked as a Physiotherapist in a school for children with complex disabilities. She has lived and worked in Tavistock since 2009.

In 2011, she worked as Research Fellow and Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Plymouth University, and consequently received her Doctorate in 2015. She has had much of her research published and has lectured internationally on the subject of core stability training. Esther is registered with The Health Care Professions Council (HCPC), The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) and The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP).



School Council

School Council

Mount Kelly believes that the children in its care have a right to participate and be listened to.

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. It is hoped that the Mount Kelly school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.

Who would make a successful School Councillor?

Someone who is:

  • A good listener and speaker
  • A team player
  • Keen to make a contribution to improving our school
  • Able to represent the views reliably of others within their House / Year groups
  • Willing to give up some of their free time
  • A good role model.

Prep School Council

The pupil School Council at the Prep is a democratically elected group of pupils who represent their peers in Years 3-8. One pupil is elected from each class for the term.

The School Council is involved in many areas of school life, including:

  • Helping to select playground equipment
  • Looking at links between the Pre-Prep and Years 3-8
  • Working to raise the profile of National Anti-Bullying Week
  • Providing feedback and suggestions regarding catering
  • Providing feedback on the selection of extra-curricular clubs

College House Councils

  • Each House will convene its own House Council according to need and preferences.
  • House Councils are an ‘informal’ way of discussing and raising issues and the ‘agenda’ of these meetings will be left to the discretion of the pupils and the Hm of each House.
  • Each House council must aim to reflect the age range and diversity within that community.
  • The House Councils should aim to provide the School Council with 2-3 representatives, preferably from a range of year groups.
  • Each House council should be chaired by the Head of House.
  • The Head of House may sit as a representative on the School Council, but they may prefer to delegate this responsibility to other members of the House.
  • House councils can be run by the pupils with or without staff presence – but ‘minutes’ must be taken, written up and presented to the Hm.
  • House council meetings will be entered into the School Calendar and take place one week before a meeting of the School Council.

College School Council

The main role of the school council is to exist as a formal way of making the views of Mount Kelly pupils known to the Senior leadership Team. It is not an executive body with decision making powers, but it is a forum in which School issues can be discussed, pupil concerns raised and suggestions presented for SLT consideration. Likewise, it is also a body to which the SLT will present ideas for discussion and pupil feedback.

Apply for Year 7
