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Courtenay House

Courtenay was built as part of the original plans for Kelly College in 1890 and mimics much of the grandiose style of the College. Today it houses  boys in Years 9 – 13.

One thing that always impresses visitors to Mount Kelly is the friendliness and strong sense of family that is evident from the outset. Courtenay House has a similarly happy, supportive, and accepting ethos: the boys are happy and well supported by their Housemaster and the team. This is achieved by high standards of behaviour and an expectation that all the boys will share the values that shape our community.

Respect – Respect for one another, each other’s views and for the House is key. No one is more important than anyone else and we should aim to treat each other the way we would want to be treated; a simple enough rule. Also, respect for the House and its fabric.

Kindness – It seems obvious to state but a little kindness goes a long way. The boys are encouraged to try and do something for others irrespective of how difficult that might be.

Honesty – This one can be the most difficult in a community. Things will go wrong but rarely is this malicious or deliberate. It is important that boys are helped and supported to understand their  mistakes and accept the appropriate consequences. Boys will never be held in disregard if they are honest with us.

The vertical House structure at Mount Kelly gives pupils a unique opportunity to mix with people of all ages and backgrounds and learn to live together with tolerance and understanding. There are plenty of leadership opportunities for the senior pupils who play a big part in upholding and maintaining our values and in helping guide the younger pupils to do the same.

We welcome new pupils in all year groups and work hard to help them make the most of their time here. Boys are encouraged to be independent, resourceful and aspirational, and to make the most of all the opportunities that will be available to them.




Mr Adam Sandford

Courtenay Housemaster, Assistant Head - Digital Learning, Data & Assessment, Physics

Ms Amy Dymond

Courtenay Housemistress
Apply for Year 7
