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Early Years – Reception

Reception class is situated in a separate, purpose built and open plan building.

Within our well-equipped and stimulating building and environment our focus is on learning through structured play, both indoors and out.

A balanced curriculum which stems from the children’s interests stimulates curiosity and lays the foundation for future learning

Children are taught to think imaginatively, creatively and critically. They build confidence for wider exploration and start to relate to the world around them with their classroom activities. We encourage the children to think for themselves, take risks, make decisions and develop their self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language, and Physical Development are the cornerstones of Reception.

  • Literacy is taught daily through a planned phonics programme using Jolly Phonics and Read Write Inc. Children have opportunities to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings and are gradually introduced to the principles of mark making and writing.
  • Mathematics is introduced through a variety of practical activities, subitising, counting games, songs, weighing activities and measuring.
  • Physical skills are developed through play outside in the garden, woods and during Forest school, as well as through PE, games and swimming.
  • Through ‘Understanding the World’ the children find out about the natural world, their community and using various technologies. Expressive Arts and Design let the children explore ways to be creative, imaginative and express themselves freely.

Visits off site provide opportunities for children to experience the world around them. We also invite parents and visitors, to come and tell us about their specialisms and passions.

We have specialist teachers for PE, music and swimming.

Assessment and Progress

A record of your child’s progress is kept on their online Learning Journey called ‘Tapestry’ in which there are photos, videos and notes about what they have enjoyed and achieved.

Our partnership with parents is vital to the overall well-being and development of the children. We recognise that as parents you are the experts on your children, and we value your opinions. We would encourage you to celebrate and share with us your child’s achievements and learning at home by adding these to their Tapestry Journal.

There are many opportunities to discuss your child’s progress informally.  We have an ‘open door’ policy, meaning that you are welcome to come and chat to us at any time.

We hold formal Parent-Teacher Meetings every term and a written report is sent to you at the end of the Michaelmas and Summer term.

The EYFS Profile is a statutory assessment of children’s development at the end of Reception year. Each child’s level of development is assessed against 17 early learning goals (ELGs) across seven areas of learning.

Transition to Year 1

By the end of the Foundation Stage, children in Reception are enthusiastic and confident learners, ready for the slightly more structured, less play-based, environment of Year 1. There is a smooth transition between Reception and Year 1 helped by setting up the classrooms in a similar way and ensuring that the children are familiar with their new teachers before moving up. The teachers in Year 1 are well informed about each child’s development.

Good Schools Guide Logo

“… the Pre-Prep is keen on getting outdoors as much as possible.”

The Good Schools Guide
Apply for Year 7
