Engineering Webinars

Posted: 31st January 2020

Pupils attended two Engineering webinars in the Library this week. On Tuesday, Dr. Iulia Motoc, an Electrical Robotics Engineer spoke about her expertise in humanoid robots with anthropomorphic characteristics, and how robots will help humans in the future, both at home as carers and in a medical capacity in hospitals or field work.

On Thursday, pupils joined Ms Ghazal Sheikholeslami, Laser Engineer and Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Canterbury Christ Church University. She fielded our pupils many questions on the use of lasers in the military to medical procedures. She spoke to us about how researchers are faced with the challenge of how to bend lasers around angles and the concept of self-bending light inspired by quantum mechanics.

The pupils will use their new knowledge and inspiration gleaned from the engineers to complete their Leaders Award, a programme designed to provide an opportunity for pupils to interview engineers about their career paths and motivation. The Leaders Award is an annual creative, problem-solving, literacy and entrepreneurial project which involves around 50.000 pupils across the UK. Read more here.


Categories: Academic
Summer Camps 2024