Successful Pre Sixth Form Courses

Posted: 2nd July 2020

Mount Kelly teachers have drawn on a new range of skills this term to turn existing lessons into online versions, and preparing the Pre Sixth Form courses for Year 11 pupils gave them an opportunity to create entirely new syllabuses over the Easter break. The intention was to introduce pupils to the new A Levels or BTECs without actually starting the topics in the syllabus since a number of pupils will be joining us from other schools in August and these should not be disadvantaged. However, as everything was online, several of these new pupils were able to join the lessons and are now already part of the Mount Kelly community.

The engagement of pupils who should otherwise have been taking exams or enjoying the post-exam relief was excellent and their enthusiastic participation in class augurs well for next year.

The English pre A Level course was very interesting and engaging. I am sure the background knowledge and history of literature that I have learnt will be extremely useful for the A Level course.

Engaging analogies such as the likening of livery to modern-day football strips helped to create a basic understanding of Tudor England.”

The pre A Level course has allowed me to really gain insight into A Level Chemistry, and has given me greater knowledge for when we start the full course in September.”


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