Mount Kelly Politics Society

Posted: 6th November 2020

On Tuesday evening, the Mount Kelly Politics Society gathered once again to hold another balloon debate, this time with each contestant representing a US President.

Representatives of Washington, Eisenhower, Truman, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan, Kennedy, Jefferson and Franklin D. Roosevelt competed for their respective president to be recognised as the greatest president in US history. With great points made and great questions asked by all participants, the competition was very close. The contestants spoke about their president’s handling of foreign policy, the economy, and their stance on civil rights.

Progressing into the final were Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower. After an intense final debate, Franklin D. Roosevelt came out on top, earning a well-deserved victory. It was great to see so many people take part and enjoy the debate, and we look forward to hosting many more Politics Society meetings in the future.

Report by Adam N.

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