Pupils Welcome Stephanie Austin

Posted: 11th February 2021

On Monday, A Level English pupils were delighted to welcome local writer, Stephanie Austin, to a special online lesson. The genre of crime writing forms one component of the A Level examination, so the chance to talk with the crime writer about her methods, her inspiration and her insight into the genre was a real bonus, allowing the pupils to gain a broader understanding of crime writing from a new perspective.

Pupils challenged Stephanie with questions about cosy crime, voicing character, creating villains, plotting and the decision to create an amateur detective during a wide-ranging discussion about the ins and outs of life as a published crime writer.

Stephanie really enjoyed the discussions and was impressed by the thoughtful – and sometimes tricky – questions posed; she has promised to come and visit us in person when the situation allows!

Article by Miss Telford, Teacher of English


Categories: Academic
Summer Camps 2024
