GCSE 2022

Posted: 25th August 2022

Mount Kelly is delighted to announce our best GCSE results for over 5 years with 53% of all papers graded at 7 or above. Our Year 11 pupils have proved the predictions wrong and gained higher grades than those awarded during the two non-examination years of lockdown.

19 (27%) pupils achieved a 7 or above in at least five subjects; particular congratulations to Dylan, Anna and Katie who were awarded the top grade of 9 in seven of their subjects and Fiona who achieved nine grade 9s.

Head Master, Guy Ayling comments: ‘I am very proud of the pupils – this year group came out of lockdown hungry to get back into the swing of things. Not only have they excelled in their academic endeavours, they given their all on the playing fields and in the swimming pool, completed bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh awards and taken part in drama and musical events. Huge thanks to all our staff who have kept up with them and encouraged them to embrace everything that the School has to offer!’

Categories: Academic
Open Days 2024
