Upper Prep STEM Challenge

Posted: 11th November 2022

A student on a stage throwing a plane

The inaugural Year 7 and 8 Flugtag Glider Competition on Thursday 10 November attracted over 35 entries with a fantastic collection of designs, sizes and flights. Gliders ranged in wingspan from 17cm to 180cm and reached a maximum distance of over 20 metres. The sophistication of build and manufacture quality was astounding. Awards for distance, creativity and manufacturing quality will be announced next week.

Following the competition, Year 8 pupils explored the future of aviation design and the prospect of blended wing commercial aircraft. They used data collected from the competition to contextualise the curriculum, exploring discrete and continuous data, grouped frequency tables, scatter graphs and correlation. Pupils responded exceptionally well to the challenge in an event that will be heading for even greater heights next year.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic