Bristol and Bath Cultural Visit

Posted: 16th March 2017

Members of the International Society had a fantastic weekend over the March exeat break visiting the wonderful cities of Bristol and Bath.

On Saturday they explored Bristol on foot when they took part in a 'street art' tour, learning all about the city's famous street artists including Banksy, Paris and Inkie. They also enjoyed a ghost walk which took them to Bristol's most haunted places including Bristol's Hippodrome, Odeon and St Nicholas' Market, alongside a sprinkling of celebrity film locations. They stayed overnight at the YHA in Bristol, had supper at the V Shed on the Waterfront, and ended the day with a night-time ride on the Big Wheel.

On Sunday they headed to the ancient city of Bath where they visited the historic Roman Baths as well as the Victoria Art Gallery where they took in the Art and War Photography exhibition.

It was a great cultural experience for all the pupils involved, introducing them to two of the South West's most iconic and interesting cities. Many thanks to Mrs Holwill, Mrs Brown and Mr Kershaw for running this memorable trip.

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