LAMDA & National Youth Theatre

Posted: 27th May 2017

Congratulations to the 99 pupils across the Foundation who took graded LAMDA exams at Easter. 31 gained Distinctions (the highest accolade), 62 achieved merits and six gained passes. Four pupils' gained 90 or above:

Zara Rizk – 90 for grade 3 mime;
Ella Sorensen – 91 grade 6 mime;
Richard Bennett – 92 for grade 8 Speaking in Public;
Elizabeth Bennett – 93 for grade 6 Acting

Congratulations also to Lizzie Bennett who has secured a place with The National Youth Theatre. She auditioned last term along with 5,800 other hopeful young actors and was among the 10% selected to take part in their summer holiday workshops. She is the seventh Mount Kelleian to accomplish this in the last 14 years.

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