Mount Kelly attends Go4SET Launch

Posted: 15th February 2019

On Wednesday 6 February, a team of Year 9 pupils attended the launch of this year’s 12 week Go4SET challenge at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth.

Go4SET (Go for Science Engineering and Technology) is a national, industry supported STEM initiative, which encourages pupils to consider exciting careers in Science, Technology and Engineering. This is the ninth year that the Product Design department has entered teams in to the competition, resulting in four South West awards and places in the National Final. 

The pupils enjoyed a tour of the aquarium, followed by motivational talks by graduate engineers from Babcock Marine Technology and Aerospace. They were then challenged to design and build a helicopter launch pad tower using just 12 pieces of A4 paper, Sellotape and a paper plate, which was then tested and scrutinised by a team of judges.

Over the next 12 weeks the team will be mentored by Babcock Marine & Technology Division graduate engineers, as they embark on researching, designing and making their ideas for two low impact eco factories, using as many sustainable materials and energies as possible.  


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