Youth Speaks Debating Competition 2022

Posted: 28th January 2022

This year’s Rotary Club Youth Speaks Competition is being run via video entry rather than the live competitions, due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, and schools have been asked to submit video recordings of their teams’ presentations.

Mount Kelly has entered three teams to the Local Heat: a Year 9 Intermediate team which was debating The global Covid-19 Pandemic has made the world a more divided place; and two Year 12 Senior teams, who were debating the subject of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 in the UK, and the balance of nature versus nurture in determining criminal psychopathy.

All of the pupils have worked incredibly well on preparing their speeches and have demonstrated superb independent study skills and motivation in getting their presentations ready.

We await the results of the judging with keen anticipation.

Categories: Academic
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