Routes Into STEM

Posted: 4th March 2022

Over half term, Year 9 DT scholars, Freya and Dilys took part in the virtual Engineering and Development Trust’s Routes into STEM course, graduating as Industrial Cadets at Bronze Level.

During the course, they attended virtual online seminars produced by the early careers panel, finding out about their future STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) options, how to develop their skills and knowledge, and heard from experts in the STEM Field.

The girls enjoyed the webinar and were guided through the next steps they could take after school, such as apprenticeships, degrees and CBSC completion. They also took part in a virtual project, and both are now excited about starting their GCSEs next year and the possible careers that DT GCSE and STEM can lead to.

The 20-hour course was extremely eye-opening to just how vast STEM is and how many different careers branch from it.

Report by Freya, Year 9

Virtual routes into STEM is an innovative and exciting opportunity for all pupils aged 13-16 to explore the various routes they can take towards their STEM career. Click here for more information.

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